Decalogue of veterans


Tips for beginners veteran collectors.


1. Interested in all things old and beautiful.

2. The idea that you would like to own.

3. Look for literature and technical publications on the type and brand.

4. A safe place where you park.

5. Decide what I want to own, whether a car or a motorcycle, with regard to the amount of space and storage.

Search its surroundings, including barns and gardens, and ask people to insist on learning.

7. To learn patience and thoughtfulness to negotiate a purchase.

8. Save up the required amount to purchase.

9. Devise a way to convert the vehicle itself.

10. Start an endless carousel of repairs, cleaning, polishing, tweaking.

BONUS: The Eleventh Commandment - to have around a soul mate, best wife that supports you and blows at pains to failures.

RESULT: A wonderful feeling of riding in an old car, waving zdravícím people, most children, the pride of participating in veterans' meetings and gained knowledge which has now so different.